More about Summer Hess & Sage Step Consulting

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Alway Learning

I spent the first quarter of 2024 earning three professional certificates from the International Association of Public Participation:

  • Fundamentals of Public Participation: Sets out the underpinning models and frameworks of engagement practice.
  • Designing & Leading Public Participation: Includes scoping, community mapping, determining purpose and objectives and levels of influence, choosing appropriate methods and managing resources, while considering the needs of diverse audiences.
  • Applying Methods for Public Participation: Offers learning how to design methods, developing good question design, and having an opportunity to practice running methods.

In 2023, I honed my facilitation skills through the following professional development opportunities:

Why Sage Step?

I named my business after the shrubsteppe ecosystem that’s found in Eastern Washington and across the Western states. These semi-arid sagelands are where I love to walk, run, climb, and reflect on who I am and how I want to contribute to the world.

The shrubbsteppe ecosystem is the ancestral home of many indigenous people and tribal nations. Sage Step donates time and money to the Indigenous Roots and Reparation Foundation, an indigenous-led nonprofit that preserves history, culture, traditions and language through education and advocacy.

Join me in supporting these organizations

Consulting Services

Here are some ways we can work together to make your organization stronger.

Project Management

Organize and deliver work in an effective and inclusive manner

Program Design

​​Plan and launch programs that drive impact

Strategic Planning

Envision the future and how to get there together

People love working with Summer


One-Block Revolution: 20 Years of Community Building

One-Block Revolution honors the chorus of diverse changemakers who show up every day to build their community. Part counterculture manifesto and framework for participatory placemaking, part handbook for nonprofits and social enterprises, this anthology tells one of Spokane’s most essential stories, while providing inspiration and practical guidance for organizations across the world.

One Block Revolution Book Cover

Our Partners

Sage Step did lead not all the projects alone! We work diligently alongside our clients and other amazing organizations to deliver quality results. Some of our partners include: 

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